How to start/stop Integration server?

In this article, we will explore various methods to start and stop the integration server. Additionally, we will delve into establishing a connection between the integration server and the designer.

Prior to proceeding with this article, we assume that you have already completed the installation of the integration server. If you haven’t done so yet, please click here to access the article guiding you through the integration server installation process.

Before delving into the specifics of starting, stopping, and restarting procedures, let’s first gain a comprehensive understanding of how each of these actions can be beneficial for us.

  • Start : starting the Integration Server refers to the process of initializing the server software, making it ready to handle incoming requests and execute integration services and processes. When the Integration Server is started, it establishes connections to other components within the webMethods suite and starts listening for incoming requests from various sources, such as clients, applications, or external systems.
  • Shutdown : Shutting down the Integration Server refers to the process of deliberately stopping the server’s execution and bringing it to a complete halt. This action is typically performed to cease all processing and functionalities of the server temporarily or for maintenance purposes. When the Integration Server is shut down, it ceases to handle incoming requests, process integration flows, and execute services.Shutting down the webMethods Integration Server can be essential for various reasons, such as applying software updates, modifying configurations, or resolving issues that require a clean restart
  • Restart : Restarting the integration server facilitate the process of refreshing the server’s functionality, ensuring that any necessary updates or changes take effect. This action is particularly useful for applying configuration modifications, applying software updates, or resolving potential issues that may have arisen during the server’s runtime.

Let’s explore the various methods for starting and stopping the webMethods Integration Server step by step.

  • Profiles Directory :
    • Once you complete the installation process, a folder named ‘profiles’ will be generated within the SoftwareAG directory.
    • Once you navigate to the ‘profiles’ directory, you will encounter a collection of webMethods components.
      Ex path – ‘C:SoftwareAGprofiles’


    • Now navigate to ‘IS_default/bin’ folder, you will find a variety of batch files that serve as helpful tools for managing your integration server.


    • ‘startup.batch’ file : Execute this file to start the integration server.
    • ‘shutdown.batch’ file : You can execute this particular file to take the integration server offline, effectively halting its operation and temporarily disabling access to the server’s functionalities.
    • ‘restart.batch’ file : Execute this file to restart your server.
  • Integration server Directory :
    • You can conveniently manage your Integration Server instances by running the batch files located in the Integration Server directories(‘C:SoftwareAGIntegrationServerinstancesdefaultbin’). These batch files offer a consistent set of operations to start, stop, and restart the server instances, streamlining the management process and ensuring efficient server control.
  • Integration Server Page :
    • Using Integration Server interface, you have the ability to either initiate a shutdown of the server or perform a fresh restart. However, it’s important to note that a full restart can only be carried out when the server is already up and running, as this action requires active accessibility to the server.
    • Now open your integration server page and login with your credential.
    • On the top right-hand corner of the integration server page, click on the option labeled ‘Shutdown or Restart,’ as demonstrated in the screenshot below.


    • After clicking on the ‘shutdown or restart’ option, you will be directed to a page where you can choose whether you want to start/restart the server immediately or if you prefer to wait and then proceed with the restart.


    • If you intend to initiate an immediate restart or shutdown, simply mark the ‘Immediately’ checkbox and proceed by selecting the appropriate action you wish to execute.
    • If you prefer to wait for all client sessions to conclude before proceeding with the restart, click on the ‘After all client sessions end…’ checkbox. You can then specify the maximum wait time in minutes that you want the server to wait before initiating the restart.
    • Now the server diligently observes user interactions, seamlessly transitioning into quiesce mode. This orchestrated shift prompts an automatic restart, either upon the culmination of all non-administrator sessions or upon the lapse of the designated time interval, depending on whichever event takes place earlier.
    • At the last click on the ‘Restart in Quiesce Mode’ button.
  • Windows Services :
    • This functionality will solely be accessible to individuals who have opted for the “Register Windows service/UNIX daemon for automatic startup of Platform Manager” checkbox during the integration server installation process.
    • In windows search bar , simply enter “services” in the Windows search bar and then open the Windows Services application.
    • After opening Windows Services, scroll down to view the SoftwareAG components that you had selected to add to the services during the installation process. These components will be listed in the services manager, allowing you to manage their startup and operation settings.


    • Next, right-click on the specific component you wish to manage, and a context menu will appear, offering you the option to start, stop, or restart the instance as needed.

Add Integration server in Designer :

  • WebMethods Designer, operating within the Eclipse framework, serves as a critical tool that plays a central role in developing and designing integration solutions. With its feature-rich and user-friendly Integrated Development Environment (IDE), it offers a tailored platform for webMethods development, facilitating the creation of robust and efficient integration solutions.
  • If you had chosen to install the designer component during the integration server installation, it would have been installed accordingly. However, if you did not select it at that time, you can run the same SoftwareAG installer again and install the designer component separately.
  • Access the Designer by navigating to the ‘C:SoftwareAGDesignereclipse’ directory and executing the ‘eclipse.exe’ file. Please be aware that the exact location might vary based on your specific installation directory.
  • Click on the Windows button located at the top-middle of the interface, and then refer to the provided screenshot.


  • From the open window select the ‘service development‘ and click open.


  • Right to the Package Navigator, locate the ‘Add or Modify Server’ option, depicted in the screenshot. Click on it and proceed to input your integration server details, including the necessary credentials.



  • After entering the integration server details and credentials, click on the “Apply and Close” button. This action will add the server to the Designer

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